Never Walk Alone #10: Movement Essays
Movement Essays is an encounter with dancer and choreographer Anneleen Keppens, inspired by the personal essay in the tradition of writer Michel de Montaigne.
Anneleen presents three ‘movement essays’ that each place a fundamental aspect of abstract choreography at the centre and, at the same time, trigger associations, emotions and reflections beyond the field of dance.
In the essay On Tempo, Anneleen tries to make tempo visible and explores the relationship it has with emotion, genre, story and meaning. With On Shape she enters into a dialogue with the sculptural aspect of dance, with what shapes can potentially suggest and the impossibility of shapelessness. In I am large – I contain multitudes she explores the diverse movement qualities with which she can dance and fully embraces the plurality of her body.
Anneleen translates the atmosphere of the studio to the stage, where she asks questions, wonders, is surprised and discovers connections. She doesn’t want to convince you of a point of view, but rather involve you in her artistic process. The three movement essays are connected through their passionate exploration of movement and they create an intimate and diverse experience of dance.
Post-performance programme
Architect and artist Jolien Naeyaert developed her own Practice of Wandering. In the context of Never Walk Alone #10 and the close collaboration with Anneleen Keppens in the creative process of Movement Essays, Jolien invites you to discover her practice through a number of interventions that will take place in the backstage after the performance.
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Part of Never Walk Alone
Extra: interventions by Jolien Naeyaert
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