Indoor Weather
What if the theatre was the stomach of a giant whale? Or no wait, a futuristic, completely unknown ecosystem? Inspired by Moby Dick and the eco science fiction of Jeff Vandermeer, among others, Ezra Veldhuis and Bosse Provoost deploy the entire technical theatre apparatus to open up your imagination.
In Indoor Weather, light, sound and theatrical effects are on equal footing with the human performers. All these elements are involved in a mysterious game whose rules lie just beyond our comprehension. A fungus-green glow suddenly falls on stage and then spreads like an oil slick throughout the theatre; a player performs excerpts from it, the monumental 1969 poetry cycle by Danish poet Inger Christensen; soundscapes swell and shrink in space as if they were high and low pressure areas. Who influences whom in this constantly mutating environment? What is dependent on what? Is the environment a pillar or an enemy?
In front of the mountains, and before the mountains
burn or break up as planned,
houses are set up, but just houses
that are not real houses, but just real
fronts of unreal houses
into which everyone can easily run
when an artificial rain begins
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