Natural Contract Lab & Maria Lucia Cruz Correia
Still Here
How can artistic practices reclaim an ecology of repair, and design regenerative protocols?
De Ambulanten
Toolbox for care
A long-term artistic project around art and participation with residents and staff in residential care centres.
Bas Vanderschoot & Anouk Friedli
Endless Stew
Can a stew recipe be the catalyst for a conversation about contemporary challenges?
Mona Hedayati
Audience as Performer, Exile as Affect
Experimenting with sound as an affective medium capable of reflecting complex experiences of migration and exile.
Marthe Koning
Letters on the verge
Exploring the human desire to coincide through an endless succession of failed duets.
François Bodeux & Monia Montali
Sur la nature des choses invisibles #3
Can we create environments that alter the experience of time?
Carly Rae Heathcote
Focused on a thin line between truth and madness, a fictional world arises.
Jimena Pérez Salerno
What has been stored
A choreographic research project exploring the layers, wisdom, and wounds of time, taking the hips as a guide.
Noha Ramadan
and we shimmered as we crossed from one reality to another
A performance set against the backdrop of a desolate cinematic landscape and the darkness of the theater.
Valentina Stepanova
What does it mean to mourn a place, person, or time you cannot physically visit?
Feteh Khiari & Houcem Bouakroucha
Bon Deuil ! / Good Mourning!
An examination of the subtleties of celebration and mourning.
Shaly Lopez
a fragile moment of peace
Developing methods of staging at the thresholds where humans and non-humans coexist.