
With her new collective project Kinstitute*, Maria Lucia Cruz Correia will develop a new type of workshop together with experts from the field of law, restorative justice and the work that reconnects practices from Joanna Macy.

© Nada Zgank
© Nada Zgank

During the period of residency a team of experts will develop these questions into a format of a workshop “radical restoration” focused on potential ways of dealing with human collective trauma provoked by the loss of landscapes and the spectral cosmology that comes from more than human grief. Together they will try to imagine a process where ecocide can be tackled and victims of environmental crimes can come into a non-violent dialogue with with offenders by imagining a type of contract which contains suggestions to prevent or improve a damaged ecosystem.

Mourning to non-humans to think about other possible futures, other possible mournings. It is recognizing our shared vulnerabilities to human and non-human bodies, and embracing our complicity in the death of these other bodies- however painful that process may be. It is about finding ways to move beyond “human exceptionalism and exceptionalism that allow little or no space for considering other species as parts of the same community as ourselves at all.” - Mourning Nature, Hope in the Heart of ecological loss & grief, edited by Ashlee Cunsolo & Karen Landman

*The Kinstitute is a utopian public service which is acting as kin to other then humans communities, using artistic tactics to counteract environmental crimes, ecocide and climate emergency.The collective is formed by artists, water, restorative justice experts, earth, activists, fire, environmental lawyers and air.

By: Maria Lucia Cruz Correia - Collaborators: Marine Calmet (FR), Brunilda Pali (BE), Constanza Parra Novoa (CL), Lut De Nayer - External eye: Stefan Blaeske, Matthias Velle - Supported by: KULeuven Institute of Criminology (LINC), Department of Earth and environmental sciences, UGent Human Rights Research Network (BE), NatureRights alliance (FR), Vooruit kunstcentrum (BE), wpZimmer (BE), workspacebrussels (BE), COAL prize (FR)