Noise and Knowledge

The project Noise and Knowledge is a two screen film installation featuring the re-enactment of an interview Caesar conducted with Welton Santos.

Sofia Caesar - Noise and Knowledge 16:9

During the interview they talked about Santos’s practice, that combines architecture and rhabdomancy; an ancient practice that involves the use of a rod to divine the direction and location of underground rivers and energetic fields.

This film installation is made of two screens. On one screen we see the dialogue, camera movements and actions that were originally executed by Sofia and Welton, transformed into a script. On the other screen we see the interpretation of the script done by three performers - Thiago Antunes, Mariana Lanari, and Zoumana Meité - at the Justus van Effencomplex in Rotterdam. The interpretations and readings done by these three performers re-articulate the original situation of the interview, giving place to a polyphonic and noisy re-organisation of the dialogue, camera movements and power relations of the interview.

Produced by: Videopower — Supported by: workspacebrussels



04.01.2018 - 14.01.2018
Ultima Vez