openoffice: on care

Openoffice is an informal and free meeting open to all artists and cultural workers active in the performing arts in Brussels

openoffice 18/01/2022 16:9

Every month we meet in a different place, to answer questions and exchange information about everything that is related in the development and realisation of artistic projects. This first session of 2022 will take place in the hall of Les Brigittines to exchange on care, vulnerability and more, with a special care-corner hosted by Benjamin Vandewalle.

Come with your questions or just please feel free to join and listen, as usual, you can join openoffice at any time between 14:00 and 17:00.

Openoffice is a project by Arts Management Agency, Caravan Production, Entropie production, Hiros, workspacebrussels and ZOO / Thomas Hauert, with support from - Cultural Cooperation Agreement (French Community and Flemish Community), inspired by Le bureau des Compagnies du Grütli (CH)

Event details

18.01.2022 | 14:00 - 17:00




Les Brigittines (Brussels)


consulting network

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