Luanda Casella
Luanda Casella (Brazil) is a Brazilian writer and performer who has lived and worked in Belgium since 2006. Her artistic practice focuses broadly on the ways individuals relate to narratives in order to create a sense of identity, to form their opinion of the world, and ultimately to protect themselves.
During her artistic training she specialized in storytelling and became a razor-sharp narrator of stories. She recently graduated from KASK School of Arts where she researched the role of literature in the development of critical thinking. Luanda has developed several monologues and storytelling performances. Her last solo Short of Lying premiered in TAZ in the summer of 2018, where she won the Sabam Jongtheaterschrijfprijs — from the jury's report: "In Short of Lying Luanda Casella dissects the lie as a narrative tool with a spoken word performance that balances between stand-up psychology, scientific TED talk and literary narrative. Through an ingeniously composed text about bluff, mystification and bullshit, she cleverly exposes mechanisms of deception”.
Luanda is currently touring with Short of Lying and preparing a new performance piece KillJoy, with support of workspacebrussels, NTGent, Vooruit and De Grote Post.