Glass Eyes

© Mikko Niemistö
© Mikko Niemistö

Glass Eyes is an upcoming stage piece by choreographer Mikko Niemistö. In collaboration with dancer Marika Peura, stage and lighting designer Sofia Palillo and violinist Elias Riipinen, the piece places the human body at the intersection of science and mysticism. The performance is set to premiere in 2025.

By oscillating between the scientific and the magical, Glass Eyes aims to challenge our view of being human as something that can be explained solely through biology or medical science. It embraces the unknown and hidden parts of the body by circulating around things like exorcism, telepathy and spirit possession.

Artistic concept, choreography: Mikko Niemistö - Performance: Mikko Niemistö, Marika Peura, Elias Riipinen - Music, sound design, live violin: Elias Riipinen - Spatial & lighting design: Sofia Palillo - Residency support: workspacebrussels


30.05.2023 - 09.06.2023


Past events

Open Studio: Glass Eyes

8.06.2023 15:00 - 16:00

Kaaistudio's (Brussels) - dance studio (2nd floor)