I Think We Need To Talk
A table is always standing somewhere, there may be some clutter on it and the people sitting around it may be quite different - if only for that reason they don't have to tell everything at the table - but without such a table the world would actually no longer be a world. The world would have become invisible and unheard of. - Hannah Arendt
Under the title I think we need to talk, Collectief Elan(d) wants to create theatrical and visual interventions that restore contact in the public space in a poetic and sometimes absurdist way. The public space serves as both scenography and stage. The interventions meander on the borders between architectural sculpture, social experiment, theatre and choreography.
In I think we need to talk, everything is put on the table. It is a performance about the impossibility of putting everything into words. About the limitations of language. About people's big and small stories. About our urge to connect. About wanting to be understood and wanting to understand. About communication, both verbal and non-verbal. Collectief Elan(d) wonders how people communicate in these times. How do we deal with each other? And how has the corona crisis affected our way of connecting? How can public space in a new way represent and enable encounters in a theatrical way?
Past events
I Think We Need To Talk (research lab)
15.04.2021 14:00 - 17:0016.04.2021 14:00 - 17:00
Close to workspacebrussels
I think we need to talk (open atelier)
21.04.2022 16:30 - 18:30Kaaistudio's (Brussels)
I think we need to talk (try-out)
22.04.2022 19:00 - 20:00Kaaistudio's (Brussels)