
Yasmine Deroui - Medea(s) 16:9

Medea(s) started as a documentary rewriting of the Greek tragedy on the theme of regretting motherhood, on the base of interview materials and personal experience. The aim was to give space and normalise difficult and non-conventional experiences of motherhood. The project now shaped in the scenic display of Yasmine Deroui's very personal self-research and questioning on her non-existent desire to have children, on her unhospitable body. Interviews and conversations with other people sharing their motherly (or not so) experiences with her will shape, influence and support her quest.

These materials will create a dialogue and a tension with herself as a performer: they mirror her presence, play with it, creating humour, or challenge it through discomfort. On stage, Deroui hides behind the camera, only to show herself closer and more raw. She manipulates her image and the way the audience perceives it for greater vulnerability to take place. It becomes a play of seek and hide, a way to use her shyness and her fear of exposure to enhance the stage practice.

With and by: Yasmine Deroui - Residency support: workspacebrussels, Radar, Zuidpool


02.05.2023 - 14.05.2023
