They / Them
“It’s the parents role to fight for change.” (Circus of Books)
“Starting from our mother/daughter relationship, we would like to create a play about gender identity and feminism. The title THEY/THEM is a reference to the pronoun for people who do not feel at home within the binary gender division of man / woman. For us, it’s a poetical concept because it is a term that simultaneously acknowledges non-binarity but also exposes a latent polarisation: THEY/THEM also signifies ‘those who are different’.
"LGBTQ+ stands for: Lesbian, Gay, Bi -sexual, Transgender and Queer. Queer is an umbrella term. And the plus stands for the many other genders and sexualities. For example, I am bi and for me that means that I like boys, girls and non-binary people. Non-binary people are people who are not boys or girls, or who do not completely fit both genders. LGBTQ+ is a community that is seen as “different”. But the community is completely normal and strives to be seen as normal. There is a lot of improvement already but we are still not considered equal to heterosexual, cis people in many ways. There are still many people who are still not accepted by their family and friends. Although it’s also the case that some children of my age unjustifiably appropriate this problematic situation, even though they are accepted by their family or environment. Or some Queer people are hostile towards people who do not immediately understand the situation or ask a lot of questions.” (Lynke-Noi)
A second part of this artistic research begins with the question of how to raise a young woman. As a mother, how can I make my child aware of certain dangers without telling her that her skirt should not be too short and her lips too red? As mothers, where does our responsibility lie? How do we raise our children to be generous, compassionate and critical beings towards each other.
"In my opinion, feminism is the struggle to see and treat women and men equally. For example, to be paid the same for the same job or not to speak directly to the man but to the couple. To blur stereotypes a bit, like the idea that men know more about cars, ect. Personally, I don't find ‘catcalling’ very attractive. Because it is usually not done in a respectful way. On the other hand, a little attention never hurts. " (Lynke-Noi)