And everything is porous as a bodily crack
In And everything is porous as a bodily crack, Alice Giuliani and Camilla Strandhagen travel through intimate, sci-fi, distorted galaxies to talk about that which is so hard to explain. They create a utopian dimension where chronic illness is not anymore an invisible shadow but a tangible creature. Diving into Spoonieland, an horizontal surface reminiscent of damaged epidermis, their bodies can finally transform into their hidden and unspoken conditions: they become grub-lovers that melt into fatigue, chronic pain and panic attacks, they are antibodies rebelling against compulsory healthiness. They play each other's guardian in the search for care and pleasure.
This research is an attempt to make tangible the invisible labour that chronic conditions cause. Alice and Camilla wonder how this intimate and often denied topic moves on the edges of performativity, in the liminal space between the private and the public; the fictional and the biographical; the personal and the collective; the visible and the invisible. They intend for the performance to be a place of soft dramaturgy, where time can stretch and bodies can find their own tempo to be revealed, to gain trust, to unravel their secrets, to acknowledge pain, to find pleasure and love. How can the sharing of experiences become a common path towards 'healing' in the sense of living better with our struggles?
Past events
And everything is porous as a bodily crack
20.04.2024 20:30 - 22:00Kaaistudios (Brussels)